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Add to calendar 20210315 5:00 pm Health and Wellbeing at Work 2021 Conference Virtual Conference

Clarkslegal’s Deborah Scales will be speaking on ‘How to Avoid Race Discrimination in the Workplace’ at this year’s Health and Wellbeing at Work 2021 virtual conference, on Tuesday 16th March.

Health and Wellbeing at Work is one of UK’s largest events dedicated to improving the health, wellbeing, safety, behaviour and culture of today’s workforce. Now more than ever employers need to focus on supporting employees to ensure that they are healthy, safe, engaged and motivated.

Conference Programme

Tuesday 16 March

National Policy and Future of Work
Emotional Wellbeing and Resilience
Coaching and Coaching Psychology
Working With Health Conditions
Diversity and Inclusion

Wednesday 17 March

Employee Engagement and Experience
Employment Law and Policies
Occupational Psychology and Organisational Behaviour
Creating a Healthy Working Environment
Managing MSDs and Ergonomics

Thursday 18 March

Health Promotion and Behaviour Change
Sickness Absence Management and Presenteeism
Return to Work
Management and Leadership
Mental Health
Safety Behaviour and Culture

Friday 19 March

Sleep and Fatigue
Emerging Risks and Worker Protection
Health and Wellbeing Awards Presentations 

For further information, delegate fees and how to register, please visit Health and Wellbeing at Work 2021

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Add to calendar 20210315 5:00 pm Health and Wellbeing at Work 2021 Conference Virtual Conference